On le sait tous, c’est hyper galère pour les étrangers de parler français. Du coup je leur propose quelques tweets afin de mieux comprendre notre langue. Et pour toi aussi, qui parle français, cela peut t’aider à choper un 14/20 en dissertation de philosophie.
In French, we do not say « Merci pour ce nouveau mot que je ne connaissais pas », we say « Excuse nous Einstein » and I think it’s beautiful.
— Rémi (@GabytaineFlam) March 26, 2019
In French, we don't say "Men are trash", we say "Garçon si t'enlève la cédille ça fait garcon et gare aux cons ma fille, gare aux cons", and I think it's beautiful.
— Tô-ssert-ouane. (@Thocerwan) January 17, 2018
In french we don't say "We don't care" we say "C'est bien éléonore on est content" and I find it so beautiful
— Andy ? (@tpwkhestyles) December 28, 2016
In French we don't say "shit" we say "c'est la décadence la colère de dieu va s'abattre sur la France"
— ? (@kimyoriii) October 10, 2015
In French we don't say "I love you more than everything" we say "Je te laisse terminer mes frites" and I think it's beautiful
— siderus nuncius ?? (@feltonasty) April 11, 2015
In French, we don't say "next friday" but "vendredi prochain, fin vendredi là là, celui qui vient là, pas vendredi de la semaine prochaine, on est d'accord ?" and I think it's beautiful.
— ? Couka ? (@Coukaratcheat) January 25, 2018
In French we don't say "leave me alone", we say "tu fais trop pitié tu m'saoules vas y parle à ma main, si t'as pas compris ça veut dire oublie moi hum hum" and I think it's beautiful
— Chouquette (@Ukechouquette) January 28, 2018
In French we don't say "he cheated on me" we say "Mel, assied toi faut qu'jte parle" and i think it's beautiful
— Pepit2Crèm (@Alizaow) February 1, 2018
in france we don't say "i'm scared" but "hé jsuis pas venue ici pour souffrir oké" and I think it's beautiful
— zac (@stidoudou) March 19, 2017
in french we don't say ''i don't care'' we say ''je m'en badigeonne les testicules avec le pinceau de l'indifférence'' and that's beautiful
— sun bak (@lilaskell) December 4, 2016
In french we don't say "réviser" but "tourner les pages avec une profonde lassitude" and i think it's beautiful
— Lizard King (@Hot_Prick) February 14, 2017
In french we don't say "ce politicien multi-condamné est un pourri", we say "il avait sa part d'ombre" and I think it's beautiful.
— Nawak (@NawakP) November 11, 2018
In french we don't say "la politique sociale du Gouvernement", we say "bande de sacs à merde" and I think this is beautiful. https://t.co/0LymMt4o27
— Rose de Berne (@RoseDeBerne) July 31, 2018
In French, we don’t say « shit happens », we say « heureusement, nous sommes la Nation Française », and I think it’s wonderful.
— L'Ange Gabriel ?????? (@AngeGabrielOff) January 30, 2018
In French, we don't say "deontology", we say "acte d'amour incroyable", and I think it's beautiful. https://t.co/EZoE39bvpp
— diane de fortanier (@diradefo) March 18, 2019
In French, we don't say « it’s coming home", we say "CHAMPIONS DU MONDE ???? » and I think it's beautiful #FRAPBS pic.twitter.com/JE1eKsp5I8
— Jérôme Tomasini (@JeromeTomasini) September 9, 2018
In French we don't say "black friday" we say "hausse des prix de 40% suivi d'une réduc de 30" and i think it's beautiful
— Sergent Contexte ?? (@Sergent_Cule) November 24, 2018
from Topito https://ift.tt/2U5sXj9
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